Saturday 15 August 2009

Wrong Turn...

As some of you might well have noticed from Sarah's blog, we're going the wrong way!

Here's what happened. With our usual planning we got up one morning and said, hey, where shall we go? Okay, let's go to New Orleans! That's where everyone says that we should go. So we opened up the computer and looked at the weather: 97deg, 97% humidity. Hmm. Let's just skirt the edge of the heatwave, and reach the coast slightl North of Savannah. Good plan.

We started driving, and as the heat increased the more we pulled left slightly. And ended up in Nebraska... now Iowa !!! Oops.

Emm. Long way back to New Orleans. (Bloody long way to anywhere from here.) Some beautiful storms and lightening shows, but no tornadoes yet as we drift East along tornado alley.

We are now in Des Moines. You know? Yes, everybody knows this place, right? Famous for....

...cows?... boredom?...corn fields?...

I feel a change of plan afoot. Me thinks we make for the Great lakes now (and on the map Canada's only about four inches away). We'll let you know.. Now which way is the wind blowing....?